As we head into this magical and festive season, we pause to discover new rituals, set intentions and celebrate our inspirations. This month, we think about home and explore the idea of resting and reconnecting with our physical and intangible dwellings.
The month of December is a time where many of us come together with family and friends to celebrate the momentous occasion of completing a whole year and tie up loose ends in preparation for the New Year.
On the 21st of December, the astronomical winter begins, officially marking the end of autumn. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year and it is a time to honour the change of the season and celebrate beloved traditions. Winter inspires a deeper connection to home, something that can mean different things to different people.
During the cold winter days, as we find warmth indoors, we ponder on what home truly means to us. The twinkle of lights on the darker days, hearty winter meals with our dearest friends and the first few bars of our favourite songs can evoke a multitude of homely feelings that fill us with happiness, nostalgia and a sense of contentment.
“Home should be an anchor, a port in a storm, a refuge, a happy place in which to dwell, a place where we are loved and where we can love”
- Marvin J. Ashton -
During wintertime, we may practice inward reflection and gratitude. It is a time to look back, whilst also being present by feeling the joy of the season and acknowledging the positives in our lives. We can appreciate the warmth that our homes bring in atmosphere and love. Home doesn't have to mean a physical space and you may find that you feel most at home on afternoon dog walk, or a feeling you get when you embrace your loved ones.
Take a note of the moments that remind you of your version of home. Using all the senses - touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. Is there a particular scent or song that is synonymous with home to you?
As you make a conscious habit of noting down what home means to you, you may discover things that you never noticed before... the placement of your books bringing harmony to a room, a certain candle that has become a staple in your evening routine, a particular walking route that brings you peace.
At Pu-la, we enjoy discovering new ways to reconnect, explore and reflect. Carve time out for yourself to begin this new comforting ritual during the winter months.
Find our December playlist here for some more inspiration...